1、Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Element Distribution in Hydrobios.,Tengjiao Song,Xiaofeng Yuan,Biometals (Transfer),,2017-11,浙江中医药大学,,2.59,
2、Dynamic change of microbial communities in the rhizosphere soil and alkaloid concentration of Fritillaria thunbergii in growth stage,Xiaofeng Yuan,Jiyan Shi, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,,2017-11,,,1.87,
3、植物细胞来源的外泌体特征及应用研究. 中华中医药杂志.,杨蒋舜,袁小凤,中华中医药杂志,,2017-11,浙江中医药大学,,0.91,
4、Effect of 60Co- adiation on the quality of Corydalis Turtschaninoviiand its bacterial community structure in rhizosphere soil.,Tengjiao Song,Xiaofeng Yuan,Peer J. ,,2017-11,浙江中医药大学,,,
5、Simultaneous removal of multiple heavy metals from soil by washing with citric acid and ferric chloride,Jiyan Shi,Xiaofeng Yuan,RSC Advances,,2020-02-19 00:00,浙江中医药大学,,3.16,206-210
6、Changes of microbial community in the rhizosphere soil of Atractylodes macrocephala when encountering replant disease.,Xiaofeng Yuan,Jiyan Shi,South African Journal of Botany,,,,,1.59,129-135
7、A review of the mechanisms of Wnt7b in the process of malignant tumor invasion and metastasis,Tengjiao Song,Xiaofeng Yuan,International Journal of Pharmacology,,2019-05,浙江中医药大学,,1.58,523-532
9、Dynamic influence of S fertilizer on Cu bioavailability in rice (Oryza sativa L.) rhizosphere soil during the whole life cycle of rice plants, Lijuan Sun,Xiaofeng Yuan,Journal of Soils and Sediments,,2018-01,浙江中医药大学,,2.67,
12、枯草芽孢杆菌等益生菌对白术白绢病的防治研究,胡朝晖,袁小凤,中华中医药学刊,,2017-10-01 00:00,浙江中医药大学,,,
16、Effects of alisol B 23-acetate on ovarian cancer cells: G1 phase cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, migration and invasion inhibition,Le Le Zhang,,XiaoFeng Yuan,Phytomedicine,,2016-07-15 00:00,浙江中医药大学,2,4.18,800-809
19、Mechanistic study of programmed cell death of root border cells of cucumber (Cucumber sativus L.) induced by copper,Li juan Sun,Xiaofeng Yuan,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,,2015-12-01 00:00,浙江中医药大学,3,3.404,