姓名: 李美芽 性别:
学历: 研究生 学位: 博士(硕导)
职称: 高级实验师 出生年份: 1984-02
博导类型: 博导专业: —— 博导学院: ——
硕导类型: 学术型 硕导专业: 中药学 硕导学院: 药学院
Email: lmeiya@126.com 联系电话: 0571-86633146
研究方向: 中药抗炎抗肿瘤作用机理机制研究
工作单位: 浙江中医药大学

1、Engineering Isoprenoid Biosynthesis in Artemisia annua L. for the Production of Taxadiene: A Key Intermediate of Taxol,李美芽,苗志奇,BioMed Research International,SCI,2014-12,上海交通大学,生物学3区,2.134,1-8

2、Isolation and Analysis of the Cppsy Gene and Promoter from Chlorella protothecoides CS-41,李美芽,施春雷,marine drug,SCI,2015-10,上海交通大学,药物化学2区,3.345,6620-6635

3、HSP90: A Novel Target Gene of miRNA-628-3p in A549 Cells,潘洁莉,李美芽,BioMed Research International,SCI,2018-05,浙江中医药大学,生物学3区,2.583,1-8

4、Induction and Characterization of Tetraploids from Seeds of Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Reichb.f.,李美芽,蒋福升, BioMed Research International,SCI,2018-05-13 00:00,浙江中医药大学,生物学4区,2.583,1-10

5、Therapeutic effect of dihydroartemisinin on lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice and its mechanism of action,江阿沛 ,李美芽,Int J Clin Exp Med ,SCI,2019-08,浙江中医药大学,生物学4区,0.181,9839-9844

6、Coelonin,anAnti-InflammationActiveComponentof Bletilla striata and Its Potential Mechanism,蒋福升, 李美芽(共同一作),吕圭源,International Journal of Molecular Sciences,SCI,2019-09,浙江中医药大学,生化与分子生物学3区,4.183,1-18

7、DNA methylation was involved in total glucosides of paeony regulating ERa for the treatment of female systemic lupus erythematosus mice,李美芽,江阿沛,Journal of Pharmacological Sciences,SCI,2019-07,浙江中医药大学,药学三区,2.439,187-192



2、基于 T 细胞 CREMα介导的 Notch-1 信号通路研究解毒祛瘀滋肾方治疗系统性红斑狼疮的机制,李美芽,浙江中医药大学,浙江省自然基金,青年基金,2016-01,2019-12-31 00:00,5,0.0


