姓名: 郑培奋 性别:
学历: 本科 学位: 学士(硕导)
职称: 主任医师 出生年份: 1962
博导类型: 博导专业: —— 博导学院: ——
硕导类型: 学术型/专业型 硕导专业: 内科学 硕导学院: 第二临床医学院
Email: kuaidou09@163.com 联系电话: 0571-81595202
工作单位: 浙江医院

1、TMEM119 promotes gastric cancer cell migration and invasion through STAT3 signaling pathway,Zheng P,Zheng P,Onco Targets Ther,SCI,2018-09,Zhejiang Hospital,4区,3.046,5835-5844

2、 TMEM119 silencing inhibits cell viability and causes the apoptosis of gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells,Zheng P,Zheng P,Oncol Lett,SCI,2018-06,Zhejiang Hospital,4区,1.871,:8281-8286

3、Andrographolide affects Th1/Th2/Th17 responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from ulcerative colitis patients,Zhu Q,Zheng P,Mol Med Rep,SCI,2018-07,Zhejiang Hospital,4区,1.851,622-626

4、Andrographolide presents therapeutic effect on ulcerative colitis through the inhibition of IL-23/IL-17axis,Zhu Q,Zheng P,Am J Transl Res,SCI,2018-02,Zhejiang Hospital,4区,3.266,465-473

5、Dietary patterns are associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus among middle-aged adults in Zhejiang Province, China,Shu L,Zheng PF,Nutr J,SCI,2017-12,Zhejiang Hospital,2区,3.211,81

6、Dietary patterns and colorectal cancer risk: A meta-analysis.,Feng YL,Zheng PF, Eur J Cancer ,SCI,2017-05,Zhejiang Hospital,3区,2.566,201-221

7、Dietary patterns and endometrial cancer: a meta-analysis,Si CJ,Zheng PF, Eur J Cancer ,SCI,2017-07,Zhejiang Hospital,3区,2.566,336-345

8、Gender difference on the relationship between hyperuricemia and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease among Chinese: An observational study,Yu XL,Zheng PF,Medicine (Baltimore),SCI,2017-07,Zhejiang Hospital,2区,1.804,5835-5844

9、Dietary Patterns and Risk of Stroke in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies,Zhang XY,Zheng PF,J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis,SCI,2015-10,Zhejiang Hospital,4区,1.669,2173-2182

10、Dietary patterns and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A meta-analysis,Zheng PF,Zheng PF,COPD,SCI,2016-08,Zhejiang Hospital,3区,2.160,515-522

11、Inhibition of sphingosine kinase 1 ameliorates acute liver failure by reducing high-mobility group box 1 cytoplasmic translocation in liver cells,Lei YC,Zheng PF,World J Gastroentero,SCI,2015-12,Zhejiang Hospital,3区,2.369,13055-13063

12、Association between dietary patterns and the risk of hypertension among Chinese: a cross-sectional study,Zheng PF,Zheng PF,Nutrients,SCI,2016-04,Zhejiang Hospital,3区,3.55,5835-5844







