姓名: 孙庆华 性别:
学历: 研究生 学位: 博士(博导)
职称: 教授 出生年份: 1963-03
博导类型: 学术型 博导专业: 中西医结合基础 博导学院: 公共卫生学院
硕导类型: 硕导专业: 中西医结合预防医学 硕导学院: 公共卫生学院
Email: 联系电话: 86633009
工作单位: 公共卫生学院

1、Maternal exposure to ambient PM2.5 exaggerates fetal cardiovascular maldevelopment induced by homocysteine in rats.,Chen H,孙庆华,Environ Toxicol.,SCI,2017-03,福建医科大学,3,2.6,877-889

2、Post-Effect of Air Quality Improvement on Biomarkers for Systemic Inflammation and Microparticles in Asthma Patients After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: a Pilot Study.,Gao J,孙庆华,Inflammation,SCI,2017-08,北京协和医科大学,3,2.9,1214-1224

3、PM2.5 exposure and cold stress exacerbates asthma in mice by increasing histone acetylation in IL-4 gene promoter in CD4+ T cells.,Zhou J,孙庆华,Toxicol Lett.,SCI,2019-11,大连医科大学,2,3.5,147-153

4、CD36-dependent 7-ketocholesterol accumulation in macrophages mediates progression of atherosclerosis in response to chronic air pollutionexposure,Xiaoquan Rao,孙庆华,Circ Res,SCI,2014-10,大连医科大学,2,15.8,D770-780OI: 10.1093/

5、Central IKK2 inhibition ameliorates air pollution mediated hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism dysfunction in mice with type II diabetes,孙卿,孙庆华,Toxicological Science,SCI,2018-06,俄亥俄州立大学,1,3.8,DOI: 10.1093/


1、Mechanism of Particulate Air Pollution-induced Steatohepatitis,孙庆华,俄亥俄州立大学,NIH,国家级,2015-07,2020-06,180,0

2、Ambient fine particulate matter and bone marrow stem cells,孙庆华,俄亥俄州立大学,NIH,国家级,2015-07,2020-06,187.2,0

3、Air Pollution on Adiposity and Vascular Dysfunction: White or Brown Matters?,孙庆华,俄亥俄州立大学,NIH,国家级,2017-03,2018-11,173.51,0


1、Paper of the Year Award, Inhalation & Respiratory Specialty Section,孙庆华,1,俄亥俄州立大学,SOT,,
