姓名: 陈忠 性别:
学历: 研究生 学位: 博士(博导)
职称: 教授 出生年份: 1968
博导类型: 学术型 博导专业: 中药学 博导学院: 药学院
硕导类型: 硕导专业: 药理学 硕导学院: 药学院
Email: chenzhong@zju.edu.cn 联系电话: 0571-86613512
研究方向: 癫痫、脑卒中的发病机制及药物研发;组胺及其受体的神经药理学研究
工作单位: 药学院

1、BNIP3L/NIX-mediated mitophagy protects against ischemic brain injury independent of PARK2.,袁扬,陈忠,Autophagy,SCI,2017-09,浙江大学,,11.815,1754-1766

2、 Interleukin-1b impedes oligodendrocyte progenitor cell recruitment and white matter repair following chronic cerebral hypoperfusion,周怡亭,陈忠,Brain Behavior and Immunity,SCI,2016-09,浙江大学,,6.616,93-105

3、The roles of histamine and its receptor ligands in central nervous system disorders: an update.,胡薇薇,陈忠,Pharmacol Ther,SCI,2017-07,浙江大学,,11.069,116~132

4、PARK2-dependent mitophagy induced by acidic postconditioning protects against focal cerebral ischemia and extends the reperfusion window.,沈哲,陈忠,Autophagy,SCI,2017-03,浙江大学,,11.815,473-485

5、Depolarized GABAergic Signaling in Subicular Microcircuits Mediates Generalized Seizure in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy,汪仪,陈忠, Neuron,SCI,2017-07,浙江大学,,14.02,92-105

6、Activation of the Intrinsic Pain Inhibitory Circuit from the Midcingulate Cg2 to Zona Incerta Alleviates Neuropathic Pain,胡婷婷,陈忠,The Journal of Neuroscience,SCI,2019-11,浙江大学,, 6.074,9130 –9144

7、Somatic autophagy of axonal mitochondria in ischemic neurons. ,郑艳榕,陈忠,Journal of Cell Biology,,SCI,2019-06,浙江大学,,9.362,1891-1907

8、A disinhibitory nigra-parafascicular pathway amplifies seizure in temporal lobe epilepsy. ,陈彬,陈忠,Nature Communications. ,SCI,2020-02,浙江大学,,11.878,1-16

9、Subicular pyramidal neurons gate drug resistance in temporal lobe epilepsy.,徐层林,陈忠,Ann Neurol. ,SCI,2019-10,浙江大学,,9.496,626-640

10、 An update for epilepsy research and antiepileptic drug development: Toward precise circuit therapy,汪仪,陈忠,Pharmacol Ther. ,SCI,2019-09,浙江大学,,11.069, 77-93


1、特异性敲除胆碱能神经元上组胺H1受体诱发精神分裂症样阴性症状及其药物靶点的研究,陈忠,浙江大学,1) 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,2019-01,2022-12,60,


3、情绪与社会行为的解析、机制验证与干预,陈忠,浙江大学,3) 中央军委科学技术委员会,,2017-08,2018-07,150,




